bottarga | Sardinian food | mullet roe

Primavera at The Meeting House - Peckham with Capo Caccia & Paisan, 4TH April 2025, POPUP info on event page

Bottarga di Muggine
Bottarga di Muggine

Bottarga di Muggine

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Bottarga is a specialty of Sardinia, sometimes called 'Sardinian caviar'. We currently offer two types, 'bottarga di muggine', which is the salted, pressed and dried roe of the grey mullet, and 'bottarga di tonno', or tuna bottarga. 

To make bottarga, the entire roe sac is removed with the utmost care to avoid piercing; they are then salted and massaged by hand over several weeks to eliminate air pockets and pressed using wooden planks and stone or marble weights into the characteristic oblong shapes before sun-drying them for one to two months depending on the size of the roe.

The finished product is amber to dark brown in colour and firm and waxy in texture. The flavour of bottarga di muggine is delicately flavoured, unmistakably fishy, but finer and less intense than bottarga di tonno (tuna) also commonly produced in Sardinia, particularly in the southern areas.

Bottarga from Cabras is renowned for its exceptional quality and flavour and has been recognized as such by the Slow Food Movement in their Ark of Taste, which promotes the finest tasting artisan foods in the world. The best examples of mullet bottarga come from Sardinia.

Bottarga is packed with zinc, omega-3, protein, calcium, vitamins A and D.

The best way to eat bottarga is raw. It can be used to prepare vegetable antipasti (it goes perfectly with raw artichokes) and side dishes. Sliced thinly and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and lemon, it makes a delicious crostini. It also tastes wonderful with pasta: “Spaghetti con Bottarga” made with grated or finely chopped bottarga, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, red pepper flakes and chopped parsley - a simple but delicious dish. 

Our range of Bottarga is from 45 to 100 grams in size. They differ not only in shape and size, but also how dry/moist they are depending on how much they are salt cured.